Having your site banned, and not only having your rankings hurt can be caused from making mistakes with search engine optimization. Below you are given SEO mistakes that you should take care to avoid. How to clear Acne

It's common for internet marketing beginners to neglect the on page aspects of optimization. SEO includes a variety of strategies, and many of these have to do with the arrangement and content of your website. For example, if you want to get ranked for certain keywords, then these must appear prominently in your site's content. In addition to using the right keyword density in your articles or posts, you should have the right title and heading tags. For your site to be well optimized, you can't ignore these critical on site factors. The point is, search engine optimization can only be effective when you have the right balance between your on page and off page factors. A well designed site with great content and keywords still won't get well ranked if it doesn't have quality backlinks pointing at it. For search engine optimization to work, you can't leave any piece of the puzzle out. To optimize your site, you also have to be flexible and able to move in new directions at times. If you want to keep up with the search engines, who are always changing and evolving, you can't get too attached to a particular way of doing things. It's always good to be open to a different way of operating, as this can keep you ahead of the competition.

Another obvious mistake that every SEO marketer should avoid is plagiarism. You can easily harm your site's rankings and even face legal consequences if you take material from someone and use it as your own. The search engines will always treat you better when you use quality content that is original. Unique, helpful content is what the search engines want to make available to those who search. The search engines also use a duplicate content filter to catch and remove duplicate content from their listings. The only type of duplicate content this filter seeks out, however, is that which appears more than once on one site. You can find a lot of content online that you have permission to use, but you have to leave the original writer's name and other information intact. By keeping your practices above board, you will see better results.

Avoid the mistake of leaving the images on your site without ALT tags. Include ALT tags on all of the images on your site as the search engines think this is important. The basic reason why you use these tags is to show the reader what the image is about when it's loading. But your search engine rankings will be helped. Make sure the keywords that you include in the ALT tag are okay for both humans and the search engines. pimples So if you want your search engine optimization efforts to get you lasting results, it's important to keep these mistakes in mind so you don't make them without knowing it.